
Sunset Playtime at Enchanted Playroom

  • When: Thursday, January 2, 2025,  4:00 pm -  8:00 pm
  • Location: 1155 Bryan Rd. O'Fallon, MO 63366
  • Cost: $12 & $10 for each additional sibling (+ tax). Adults (2) are FREE, additional adults are $3 each. Playing Children under 1 year with no siblings are $8.

Enchanted Playroom will be open until 8 PM on January 1st-3rd (Wed-Fri).
Sunset Playtime is perfect for when you work outside the home or are just too busy to come during the day.
VISIT PUNCH PASSES and MONTHLY PLAY PASSES can be used. Please register online so we know to put your name on the list and secure you a spot (you will not be charged).
Registering online is not required however space is limited so if you'd like secure a spot please register online. Walk-ins will always be admitted until we reach capacity

  • Website: www.enchantedplayroom.com
  • Contact Name: Enchanted Playroom
  • Contact Phone: (636) 294-5210
  • Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Category: Family Fun


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