Both hockey and figure skates are available.
Our skates range from toddler size 8 to adult size 14.
Skates are available in whole sizes only.
We recommend that you wear warm clothing including gloves and hats. Children are encouraged to wear helmets and knee pads.
Skate-aid trainers are available for use at no charge on a first-come, first-serve basis. We recommend that a skating adult accompany the skater using a skate-aid trainer. Adults should only assist the child and not put their weight on the trainer. While using the skate-aid trainer, please demonstrate proper use and courtesy to all skaters.
Activity Admission Prices
$6 Resident Public Skate
$7 Nonresident Public Skate
$10 Freestyle Skate
$5 Wee and Me (parent FREE with paying child)
$10 Adult Drop-In Hockey (Single Visit)
$85 Adult Drop-In Hockey (10 Punch Pass)
$10 Stick 'N' Puck (Single Visit)
$85 Stick 'N' Puck (10 Punch Pass)
$15 12 and Under Stick 'N' Puck Special (kid plus parent)
$3 Skate Rental