Thousands of ISR lessons are taught everyday worldwide as part of the organization’s commitment to preventing aquatic pediatric drowning. The ISR pledge made to parents more then 50 years ago, to reach the next child before they reach the water alone, is honored daily to achieve ISR's mission:
“Not One More Child Drowns.”
Infant Swimming Resource’s Self Rescue Program teaches children from 6 months to 6 years of age how to survive if they were to reach the water alone.
Unlike traditional swimming lessons, ISR’s survival swimming technique is a product of over 50 years of research and development and is the safest approach to survival swimming in the world. Focused on your child’s stage of development and readiness, each one-on-one ISR lesson is customized to your child's abilities in the water.
ISR has a worldwide network of certified Instructors and has delivered more than 8 million safe lessons. As a result, ISR is proven to save lives—with over 800 documented cases where children have used ISR’s techniques to save their own lives.