The youth make art, socialize, and work with others in a confidence-building, safe, nurturing setting. The Integrated Youth Open Studio promotes the concept of art as an avocation as well as a vehicle for understanding and respect. Youth participants are given free rein of the studio to experiment with a wide variety of mediums and techniques in a holistic atmosphere; it is through this freedom to explore and experiment that artists begin to find their own unique vision and passions. Throughout the process of creating art, the youth are interfacing with their peers and Artists First staff and volunteers, enhancing their communication and interpersonal skills; this serves to encourage a greater sense of self-worth, self-reliance, and ultimately their independence. Additionally, integrated youth sessions foster mutual learning and understanding among youth of all abilities.
Artists First's culture is one of inclusion, from program development to program implementation. All programs are centrally located and take place in accessible buildings. Artists First staff have extensive experience working with individuals with disabilities of all backgrounds.