I am Robyn Weilbacher M.S. CCC/SLP, a Speech-Language Therapist who has worked with children ages 2-6 years old for 30+ years. I recently retired and established RW Language Therapy Consulting - Specializing in Autism, Family Support and Coaching to help support Parents, Caregivers, Families, Educators, Parents As Teachers, ABA agencies, Child Care Providers, and Therapists, to effectively promote functional communication and social-language carryover skills in a child’s everyday life experiences, activities, and interactions. I am a Certified Autism Specialist and a Hanen Centre certified Speech-Language Therapist to teach More Than Words 8-week program for families that have children on the Autism Spectrum or with social-communication needs.
Parents and caregivers’ benefit from knowing how to bridge the gap between their child’s home and school to carryover their child’s functional communication and social language skills in their natural environment. Family involvement is critical to children’s success in school and in life. This begins at home with the interactions between a parent or caregiver and a child. My goal is to empower parents and caregivers with knowledge as they are a child's FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT teacher.