About Play2Learn
The occupational therapists at Play2Learn work with each child to be successful in learning and playing. Because no two children have exactly the same skills, an evaluation will be completed at the initial visit. The evaluation will reveal strengths, weaknesses, and which skills need improvement. From this, the therapist can tailor a program to meet the specific needs of the child.
The earlier the intervention, the better. Early treatment can help make the transition from pre-school to school much smoother. If a child is already in school but struggling, then therapy in a play environment may be the solution.
Foundational Skills
Play2Learn was founded in 2009 by Marla Shyken. Marla opened the business to give parents an option to help their children work on foundational skills. She realized that while schools have great programs to help children with sensory disorders and disabilities, not every child’s deficit is enough to qualify for services through school. Sometimes, delays caused by disorders aren’t always recognized in the school setting, either.
Play2Learn offers therapy services for children who are picky eaters, who have feeding issues, sensory challenges, motor delays, and speech and language delays. The clinic offers a therapy gym and listening programs that can be tailored to meet your child’s needs. Play2learn empowers families with knowledge and encourages parents to be involved in every therapy session. Play2Learn also provides First Steps and in-school services.
After hearing a diagnosis, many parents aren’t always sure of the next step. No matter the diagnosis, Play2learn has something to offer. Contact Play2Learn to schedule an evaluation.