Washington University School or Medicine is seeking participants for their NOA (Neurodevelopment of Overcontrol and Anxiety) study.
This study is researching how young children's personalities (such as tendencies of perfectionism, need for structure, fear of making mistakes, anxious apprehension, and inflexibility) can sometimes be helpful in school and at home and also sometimes be associated with anxiety and difficulties in social situations. Kids and parents come to our kid-friendly office to play computer games (while we measure electrical brain activity, see the EEG page!) and win prizes and the parent completes questionnaires and an interview about their child; parents and kids also complete some activities together! Participants come yearly for 3 total sessions and are compensated for each session. At the end of three years, the parents can also get data on their child's mental health!
4 to 7 years old children are needed for a research study! The purpose of this research study is to examine children who score differently on measures of performance monitoring and overcontrol. Your participation will last approximately 2 years. There are 3 study visits (2.5 to 4 hours each). Up to $300 is provided for time and effort. Email bgoing@wustl.edu or call (314) 273-5560 to find out more.