Lindbergh Schools recognizes the importance of supporting student learning during the summer months. This includes academic remediation for specific content areas, as well as specialized programs for early childhood education and music.
In addition, Lindbergh High School Athletics offers a variety of sports camps to keep students active during the summer. Camps are designed to introduce students to the fundamentals, while providing opportunities to practice teamwork and build self-confidence.
For enrichment, Lindbergh Community Ed and Rec provides high-quality, tuition-based programming for students to engage in fun learning activities that encourage creativity and academic growth. This includes Flyers Club Summer Camp, a school-age care program for students entering grades 1-6.
Lindbergh High School Fiddle Camp
Middle School Band Summer Camp
Summer Orchestra
Summer Strings Enrichment
Basketball (Boys)
Basketball (Girls)
Boys and Girls Golf
Cross Country / Track and Field (Boys and Girls)
Field Hockey
Flag Football
Lacrosse (Girls)
Martial Arts
Soccer (Boys and Girls)
Tennis (Boys and Girls)
Ultimate Frisbee
Volleyball (Boys)
Volleyball (Girls)
Water Polo
Wrestling (Boys and Girls)