The Most AMAZING SUMMER PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN in Florissant, MO!!! All of you Parents and Kids (Ages 5-12) will LOVE our SUMMER CAMP. Our Florissant camps are Affordable and Enjoyable!
Early Drop Off: 7:30 AM, Late Pick Up: 6:00 PM, NO ADDITIONAL COST!
What are the age groups of your camps? Group ONE: K-1st grade, Group TWO: 2nd-3rd grade, and Group THREE: 4th-6th grade!
Professional Martial Arts Training With Life Skills & Leadership Training
Indoor & Outdoor Sports & Games
Dance Classes (Clean Hip Hop)
Devotional Lessons
Theme Days & Weekly Field Trip Options
This membership is perfect for families that want to attend the F.I.T. KIDS Summer camp on a week-to-week basis. Maybe you don’t need the entire Summer, but you still want to reserve a few weeks! This program is normally $197 per week, but when you join today, your child’s tuition is only $177 per week! This membership may be cancelled at any time with a 7-day notice. Special Bonus: As a F.I.T. KIDS Summer Camp Member, you will receive 30-50% discounts on all school year camps when your child’s school is closed!