Ages 5 through 12. This day camp provides youth the opportunity to participate in a wide range of educational and adventurous outdoor activities.
Campers will be grouped by age to better coordinate activities. Age groups include; 5-8 and 9-12. Camp will be divided into sessions with a special theme for each session. During each 2 week session we will have guest entertainers!
Please bring your own lunch and drink. Refrigeration is not provided. Camp will be held in Bluebird Park from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Before and after care is available for an additional cost.
**Please note: Campers must have completed Kindergarten in order to participate in camp.
Session 1: June 2 - June 13 $340.00 ($305.00 Resident)
Session 2: June 16 - June 27 $340.00 ($305.00 Resident)
Session 3: July 7 - July 18 $340.00 ($305.00 Resident)
Session 4: July 21 - August 1 $340.00 ($305.00 Resident)