We're so glad you're interested in joining us this summer! Find the most important details below.
Registration (ages 6-12)
All registrations must be submitted online; all discounts are automatically applied at the last step of registration. $25 is due at the time of registration. This amount is a non-refundable deposit that holds your spot. Full payment is due one month before your camp start date. Eagle Lake Camps is offering a $25 early registration discount if you register before March 31st!
Crew Registration (ages 13-17)
Crew is an opportunity for late middle school and high school students to not just take part in a week of camp, but learn to lead alongside the counselors. There are only 15 spots available at a cost of $20 for the week. This $20 payment also acts as your cancellation fee and cannot be refunded. Click here for more information, or register online today!
Drop Off
If your last name begins with A-M, please drop off your camper(s) between 8:30- 9:00 am. If your last name begins with N-Z, please drop off your camper(s) between 8:45-9:15 am.
On Monday morning, anticipate spending an extra 5-10 minutes checking in.
Pick Up
Don’t forget your photo ID for pick up! To ensure each camper’s safety we will check photo IDs to make sure it matches one of the names on the pick-up authorization form. We will check these every day.
Before/after care is offered from 8:15-9 a.m. and 4-5:30 p.m. for an additional fee. You do not have to sign up for both, but if you wish to, you can register for both at a pro-rated price. There are only 20 spots available. Please note, After Care is only available Monday-Thursday.
Camp Store
Login to your account to load your camper’s store card online, prior to the first day of camp. Please note: we do not accept cash.
Please pack a lunch for your camper in an insulated container. We ask that parents do not pack anything containing nuts. Neither Eagle Lake nor the church will provide anything with nuts in it.
Financial assistance is available. Please contact the host church for more information.
Arts & Crafts
Bible Study
Capture the Flag
Laser Tag
Lego Derby
Tie Dye
Water Slide Inflatable
And Many More!