Forest Lake has built a program that starts from first-time players and goes all the way to nationally ranked contenders that can become future collegiate players.
We use the USTA ROGY “Red, Orange, Green and Yellow” ball progression program to develop juniors in a more fun and easier way of playing tennis. As players get older, taller, and stronger, the tennis balls bounce higher and faster. Red –> Orange –> Green –> Yellow, to reach the proper hitting zone so that players develop better stroke technique as they grow. The court also grows in length with 4 to 6-year-olds playing on a 36-foot court, 6 to 10-year-olds on a 60-foot court, and everyone else using the standard 78-foot court.
Forest Lake is offering tennis camps by the week for students 6 to 14.
Camp will take place indoors on our air-conditioned courts. Camp will be led by members of our tennis professional staff.
We will have tennis instruction as well as games to keep your child entertained and to learn a life-long skill.
Time Frame: Monday thru Friday
Session Times: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM