• Our Lady Queen of Peace

    "Through the guidance of the Blessed Mother, we strive to help others to know, love and serve our God and each other."

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Mass Times

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Upcoming Events  

From Pastor Father Tom Miller

Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer

July 9 is the Feast of Our Lady Queen of Peace

Most holy and immaculate Virgin,

Mother of Jesus and our loving Mother,

being his Mother, you shared in His universal kingship.

The prophets and angels proclaimed Him King of peace.


With loving fervor in our hearts we salute and honor

you as Queen of peace. We pray that your intercession

may protect us and all people from hated and discord,

and direct our hearts into the ways of peace and justice which

your Son taught and exemplified.


We ask your maternal care

for our Holy Father who works to reconcile the

nations in peace. We seek your guidance for our

Head of State and other leaders as they strive for world peace. Glorious Queen of peace, grant us peace in our hearts,

harmony in our families and concord throughout the world.


Immaculate Mother,

as patroness of our beloved country,

watch over us and protect us with your motherly love.



Building Committee Letter

Mass Times, Confessions and special prayer times


Weekend Mass 5:00 p.m.


Mass 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.

Mass Live Stream 10:00 a.m.:  CLICK HERE FOR YOUTUBE CHANNEL

Children's Liturgy available only at 10:00 a.m.

Weekdays (Monday - Saturday): 

Mass is at 8:00 a.m.

--Perpetual Help Devotions are prayed on Tuesday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass

--Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed on Wednesday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass

--Sacrament of Reconciliation is Saturday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass

Note: If a priest is not available for a weekday Mass, a Communion Service by a Deacon will be held in its place.

Special Prayer Time

Patriotic Rosary at St. Anthony of Padua, High Ridge

Join others who come together to pray the rosary for our country. This rosary combines patriotic songs, praying for everyone in every state, and exerts from speeches of countrymen from over 200 years ago. Our country needs to adhere to the warnings of old. "No nation can abuse God's precepts and survive." Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua of High Ridge extend an invitation to pray with them.


Saturdays 8:30 a.m.- after the 8:00 a.m. Mass, and

Saturdays after the 5:00 p.m. Mass

Jefferson Count y Deanery Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Eucharist Adoration:

Wednesdays following 8:00 a.m. mass until Benediction and Vespers at at 8:00 p.m.

Note: During Advent and Lent, 24-hour adoration starts after 8:00 am. Mass on Wednesday and ends on Thursday morning before the 8:00 a.m. Mass.

Holy Day Masses:

Check the bulletin or call the Parish Office for details.

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for January:

For the gift of diversity in the church:

We pray that the Spirit may help us to recognize the gift of different charisms within the Christian community and to discover the richness of different traditions in the Catholic Church.

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church

 Please join us at our sister parish, St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Chuch in High Ridge. Fr. Tom Miller is pastor for both Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Anthony residing at Our Lady Queen of Peace Rectory.  Fr. John Reiker is the Associate Pastor of both Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Anthony of Padua, in residence at the High Ridge Rectory.

3009 High Ridge Blvd.

High Ridge, MO 63049

Phone (636) 677-4868

Pastor: Fr. Thomas C. Miller; Associate Pastor: Fr. John Reiker

·Weekend Mass Times:

Saturday:  4:30 p.m.  

Sunday:    9:00 a.m.

·Weekday masses:  8:00 a.m.

Confessions: Saturday: :5:15 PM *following 4:30 PM mass

  A Prayer To Our Lady

Mary, Mother of Mercy, intercede with your Son to bring a swift end to the war in Ukraine. Protect those in harm's way, and support those providing aid. Amen.

Upcoming Events

  • OLQP Weekly Mass Schedule

    Weekday (Morning) Masses:

    8:00AM - Our Lady Queen of Peace

    Saturday Masses:

    8:00AM - Our Lady Queen of Peace 

    5:00PM - Our Lady Queen of Peace

    4:30PM - St. Anthony of Padua

    Sunday Masses

    8:00AM - Our Lady Queen of Peace

    9:00AM - St. Anthony of Padua

    10:00AM - Our Lady Queen of Peace

  • OLQP Night at the Races

    Our Lady Queen of Peace Night at the Races

    Saturday, April 5, 2025

    6:00PM, Knights of Columbus Hall (House Springs)

    OLQP Night at the Races is back!

    This event is a fun-filled Kentucky Derby themed event to help fund youth retreats, conferences, and ministries at Our Lady Queen of Peace. There will be games, raffles and fun to have by all. 

    - - - 


    You can buy tickets at Mass (there will be a table in the gathering area) or by turning in the 2025 Horse Races Event Flyer and money to the Parish Office by March 31st.

    $160/Table (includes 8 event tickets)

    $25/Single Ticket

    Event Flyer & Form HERE

    - - - 


    We are looking for event sponsors and raffle item donors. You can find the Raffle Item Donation Wishlist in the gathering area at Mass. If you take a horse, please tape the horse to the item when you turn it in. For more information please see the 2025 Sponsor Letter or reach out to Terry Ostlund.

    Sponsor Letter & Form HERE

  • Fish Fry Dinners - Every Friday in Lent

    Our Lady Queen of Peace Fish Fry Dinners

    OLQP Cafeteria, 4:00PM-7:00PM

    Every Friday in Lent

    Our Lady Queen of Peace will be having our annual Fish Fry dinners on the following dates: 

    March 7

    March 14

    March 21

    March 28

    April 4

    April 11

    Mark your calendars, plan to help with the dinners, and be sure to eat a great meal. We offer carry out, dine in, and drive thru. We look forward to seeing you! 

    Click HERE for the menu.

  • Holy Week Mass Times

    Holy Week Mass Times

    Our Lady Queen of Peace

    Our Lady Queen of Peace invites you to the following Holy Week masses, and we look forward to celebrating with you!

    Holy Thursday, April 17

    7:00PM - Lord’s Supper Mass

    There will be no 8AM Mass

    Good Friday, April 18

    7:00PM - The Passion of the Lord Mass

    There will be no 8AM Mass

    Holy Saturday, April 19

    8:00PM - Easter Vigil

    There will be no 8AM Mass

    Easter Sunday, April 20

    8:00AM - Easter Mass

    10:00AM - Easter Mass

  • Good Friday - Parish Office Closed

    Good Friday - Parish Office Closed 

    Friday, April 18, 2025

    The Parish Office will be closed on Friday, April 18, due to Good Friday. 

Full Calendar of Events



9am Bible Study (Ecker) - Cafeteria

6:15pm PSR - Church / Cafeteria

6:30pm RCIA - Marian Room

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6:30pm Pro-Life Committee Mtg - Marian Room

6:30pm Closed Mens AA Meeting-Bldg C


8:30am Eucharistic Adoration (after Mass)

8:30am Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayers (After Mass)

11:30am Ministry of Consolation "Widows & Widowers" Luncheon - Savannah's Restaurant

11:30am Ministry of Consolation "Widows & Widowers Luncheon" - Savannah's (Cedar Hill)

6pm Youth Group Mtg-Bldg D

6:30pm Adult Formation Class, "The Chosen" - Cafeteria

6:30pm Al Anon Mtg-Bldg C

7pm Rosary, Vespers & Benediction

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7pm Busy


10am E Squared Southern Vicariate Evangelization Mtg - Marian Room

6:30pm K of C BINGO-Doors Open at 3pm


Sign Up for Adoration - Church Gathering Area

Night at the Races Table - Gathering Area Church

Aluminum Collection-Parking Lot

8am PSR Mass 1st Communion Retreat

8am PSR 1st Communion Retreat - Building D

8:30am Confessions - Church

9am First Communion Prep Mtg - Cafeteria

6pm ACTS Community Trivia Night - KOC Hall (House Springs)

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KofC First Sunday Breakfast-Cafeteria

10am Children's Liturgy of the Word-Church-Cafeteria

6:30pm Men's CHRP Meeting-Bldg D

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9am Bible Study (Ecker) - Cafeteria

6:15pm PSR - Church / Cafeteria

6:30pm RCIA - Marian Room

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6:30pm Closed Mens AA Meeting-Bldg C


Ash Wednesday

Special Collection Church in Central and Eastern Europe

"40 Cans for Lent" Collection Begins

Pro-Life Committee Diaper Drive Begins - Cafeteria

8am Ash Wednesday Mass - Church

8:30am 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (after Mass)

8:30am Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayers (After Mass)

12pm Ash Wednesday Noon Mass - Church

6pm Youth Group Mtg-Bldg D

6:30pm Al Anon Mtg-Bldg C

7pm Ash Wednesday Mass - Church

7pm Rosary, Vespers & Benediction

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6:15pm Family Life Commission Mtg - Marian Room

7pm Daughters of Isabella Mtg-Cafeteria

7pm Busy

Show all


7am Busy

8:30am Stations of the Cross - Church

4pm Fish Fry - Cafeteria

6:30pm K of C BINGO-Doors Open at 3pm

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Night at the Races Table - Gathering Area Church

7am Busy

8:30am Confessions - Church

9:30am Pray and Play - Building B

4:30pm Poverty Dinner Set Up - Cafeteria

6pm Parish Council Poverty Meal - Cafeteria

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RCIA Rite of Election - Cathedral

Special Collection Black and Indian Missions

8:30am PSR Confirmation Candidate/Sponsor Retreat & Rite of Enrollment - Cafeteria

10am Children's Liturgy of the Word-Church-Cafeteria

12pm Mass - Church

6:30pm Men's CHRP Meeting-Bldg D

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9am Bible Study (Ecker) - Cafeteria

6:15pm Athletic Assoc Mtg-Field House

6:15pm PSR - Church / Cafeteria

6:30pm RCIA - Marian Room

7:45pm Confession - Church

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6:30pm Closed Mens AA Meeting-Bldg C

6:30pm Parish Council Mtg-Marian Room


8:30am 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (after Mass)

8:30am Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayers (After Mass)

6pm Youth Group Mtg-Bldg D

6:30pm Adult Formation Class, "The Chosen" - Cafeteria

6:30pm Al Anon Mtg-Bldg C

7pm Rosary, Vespers & Benediction

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7pm Busy


Preschool No School - Professional Development

8:30am Stations of the Cross - Church

4pm Fish Fry - Cafeteria

6:30pm K of C BINGO-Doors Open at 3pm

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Night at the Races Table - Gathering Area Church

8:30am Confessions - Church

9:30am Grief Support - Marian Room

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10am RCIA Rite of Sending - Church

10am Children's Liturgy of the Word-Church-Cafeteria

11am Saint Patrick's Parish Lunch - Cafeteria

6:30pm Men's CHRP Meeting-Bldg D

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Preschool No School - Spring Break

Saint Patrick's Day

9am Bible Study (Ecker) - Cafeteria

6:30pm RCIA - Marian Room

7:45pm Confession - Church

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12pm OLQP Pilgrimage (Mass & Tour) - Miraculous Medal Shrine

6:30pm SVDP meeting Bldg D

6:30pm Closed Mens AA Meeting-Bldg C

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8:30am 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (after Mass)

8:30am Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayers (After Mass)

6pm Youth Group Mtg-Bldg D

6:30pm Adult Formation Class, "The Chosen" - Cafeteria

6:30pm Al Anon Mtg-Bldg C

7pm Rosary, Vespers & Benediction

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3:30pm Funeral Visitation - Church

5pm Evening Funeral - Church

6:30pm Men's Club-Athletic Building

7pm Busy

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8:30am Stations of the Cross - Church

4pm Fish Fry - Cafeteria

6:30pm K of C BINGO-Doors Open at 3pm

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Night at the Races Table - Gathering Area Church

Anointing of the Sick at Weekend Masses

8:30am Confessions - Church

9:30am Grief Support - Marian Room

5pm RCIA The 1st Scrutiny - Church

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10am Children's Liturgy of the Word-Church-Cafeteria

6:30pm Men's CHRP Meeting-Bldg D


Preschool Classes Resume

9am Bible Study (Ecker) - Cafeteria

6:15pm PSR - Church / Cafeteria

6:30pm RCIA - Marian Room

7:45pm Confession - Church

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6:30pm Pro-Life Committee Mtg - Marian Room

6:30pm Closed Mens AA Meeting-Bldg C


8:30am 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (after Mass)

8:30am Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayers (After Mass)

11:30am Ministry of Consolation "Widows & Widowers" Luncheon - Wicked Chicken

6pm Youth Group Mtg-Bldg D

6:30pm Al Anon Mtg-Bldg C

7pm Rosary, Vespers & Benediction

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9:30am Busy

5pm Wedding Rehearsal - Church

7pm Busy

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8:30am Stations of the Cross - Church

4pm Fish Fry - Cafeteria

6:30pm K of C BINGO-Doors Open at 3pm

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Night at the Races Table - Gathering Area Church

8:30am Confessions - Church

9:30am Grief Support - Marian Room

2pm Wedding - Corley & Cunningham

3:30pm Set Up - Cafeteria

6pm "Keep the Fire Burning" CC Marriage Date Night - Cafeteria

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Special Collection Tornado Relief

8am RCIA 2nd Scrutiny - Church

10am Children's Liturgy of the Word-Church-Cafeteria

6:30pm Men's CHRP Meeting-Bldg D

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9am Bible Study (Ecker) - Cafeteria

6:15pm PSR - Church / Cafeteria

6:30pm RCIA - Marian Room

7:45pm Confession - Church

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6:30pm Closed Mens AA Meeting-Bldg C


8:30am 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration (after Mass)

8:30am Chaplet of Divine Mercy Prayers (After Mass)

6pm Youth Group Mtg-Bldg D

6:30pm Al Anon Mtg-Bldg C

7pm Rosary, Vespers & Benediction

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6:15pm Family Life Commission Mtg - Marian Room

7pm Daughters of Isabella Mtg-Cafeteria

7pm Busy

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8:30am Stations of the Cross - Church

4pm Fish Fry - Cafeteria

6:30pm K of C BINGO-Doors Open at 3pm

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Aluminum Collection-Parking Lot

8:30am Confessions - Church

9:30am Grief Support - Marian Room

6pm OLQP Night at the Races - Knights of Columbus Hall (House Springs)

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Special Collection Catholic Relief Services

KofC First Sunday Breakfast-Cafeteria

10am RCIA 3rd Scrutiny - Church

10am Daughters of Isabella Mass

10am Children's Liturgy of the Word-Church-Cafeteria

10am Busy

6:30pm Men's CHRP Meeting-Bldg D

Show all

Protecting God's Children

The Protecting God's Children program educates and trains adults (clergy, religious, teachers, staff, volunteers, and parents) about the dangers of abuse, the warning signs of abuse, the ways to prevent abuse, the methods of properly reporting suspicions of abuse, and responding to allegations of abuse. Some of our ministries and activities requires participation to complete this program.

Victims of sexual abuse, in addition to contacting civil authorities, are asked to come forward in order to receive pastoral assistance. Report of abuse may be made to any Pastor or to:

Sandra Price, Executive Director, Office of Child & Youth Protection, 314-792-7271, sandraprice@archstl.org

Missouri Department of Social Service, Children's Division, Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-392-3728

Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services, Adult Abuse Hotline: 1-800-392-0210

Learn More

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