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Vacation Bible School returns to Gethsremane (2).png

Campers are 4 years old through current 5th graders

Volunteers are current 6th graders - adults

Stay tuned for information on what VBS program we will be doing and what each day's theme will be!

All potty-trained four-year-olds to those currently in the 5th grade are welcome to join us for the return of Vacation Bible School at Gethsemane, July 29-August 2, 2024! 


VBS will run from 9am-noon and we are once again offering after care (aka VBS+) from 12pm-5:30pm!  The VBS+ will be run and supervised by Anja Walentik, a professional 1st grade teacher. 


Cost for VBS only (9am-12pm) is $30/child or $60/two or more children.


Cost for for VBS+ (9am-12pm PLUS 12-5:30pm) is $100/child or $200/two or more children


VBS is open to anyone, not just Gethsemane members, so tell your friends.

Please note, if you register after June 15 the cost will increase by $50!

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