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Camp Let's Talk About It: Type 1 Diabetes, at Kirkwood Park

Camp Let's Talk About It: Type 1 Diabetes, at Kirkwood Park

During this awesome half day camp participants will work out of the Kirkwood Park, Campbell Pavillion, in a group of up to 20 campers, with a 1:14 max staff ratio. Activities will change every 20 - 45 minutes. The structure of this program is designed mimic a normal day at one of our Extreme Sports & Games Camps while incorporating 20-minute breakout sessions, that aim to educate participants about some of the different aspects of living with Type 1 Diabetes, and to surround campers with kids that are just like them.

Disclaimer: Each break out session will include a short story from Recreation Academy Area Manager Alesha Mizeur about her experiences growing up as a Type 1 Diabetic followed by a Q & A session for campers. Alesha is a member of our Senior Leadership Team and fantastic program facilitator but is not a licensed medical professional. She has personally sought the advice of medical professionals, parents, child psychiatrists and juvenile diabetics themselves to build a list of suitable topics.

Want to know some of the topics we're going to cover?

*Insulin Pumps - the history, the stigma, & the difference.

*Feeling comfortable - managing your numbers in public, asking your doctor questions, & more.

*Tips, Tricks, & Life Hacks I wish I knew at your age.

*The time I forgot to keep track of my numbers.

*How my feelings about my situation have changed over the years.

*Have a suggestion? WE WANT TO HEAR IT! Please feel free reach out after registering.

What makes us different?

Our Staff - Industry professionals, compensated $18-$20 per hour based on their work history. All instructors are background checked and must have a minimum of 2 years' experience working with kids in a structured setting. We recruit teachers, coaches, and other youth industry professionals, with a passion for making your child's experience amazing.

The Structure - We establish clear expectations right from the start, treat everyone with respect, seamlessly integrate participant feedback into our activities, and encourage all Cadets to learn and grow from their experiences, both positive and challenging. Our focus is on how we collaborate rather than just individual accomplishments.

Benefits - We are dedicated to fostering 'Upward Spirals' in Cadets. By participating in our sessions, participants are able to cultivate confidence, self-esteem, and a host of other positive attributes that create a ripple effect. These personal developments not only enhance the overall experience, but also can serve as a contributing factor to better grades in school, improved problem-solving skills, and a foundation for lifelong success.

[Learn more about our organization's approach to working with kids by visiting]

[By allowing your child to participate in this program you're agreeing to our service terms. This includes our behavior policy and waiver of liability. To view all our terms, vis
Enrollment Options
Half Day Afternoon
June 10 - June 14, 2024
1- 4 pm
Extended Care
Before & After Available (if minimum is met)
Elementary, Middle School
7 - 12
$155 - Half Day
Early Registration, Additional Child
Mid County (Clayton/Kirkwood/Creve Coeur)
111 S Geyer Rd, Kirkwood, MO 63122
Zip Code
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